Kira went for her 2 month check up yesterday. She weighed 9 lbs. 2 ozs. (25th percentile) and was 23 1/2 in. long (75th percentile)! So, she is following right along in her brother's footsteps. The only difference is her head is right at the 50th percentile (NORMAL) and her brother's was at the 95th percentile! So, she's doing good. They want her to be gaining a little more weight, but she is doing great. The shots are not treating her so well today. She is very sleepy and pretty cranky and she's spitting up quite a bit more than usual.
Hunter is doing great. He's getting bigger and bigger every day. We are working on counting to 10 in Spanish and he is doing really well with it! We'll be starting on our colors and a few other words soon I'm sure. We have also discovered that he is a mosquito magnet! They love to eat him alive! So, the last couple of weeks have been rough with all his mosquito bites he has been getting.
Well are going to sign the loan paperwork tonight and we have the inspection set for Friday for our new house! I am super excited! I am going to take some pictures when I'm there Friday so I will post more soon!
I officially have my contract for Wellington and I am also looking at possibly coaching JV Volleyball this next year. We have not decided yet, and they are supposed to be getting me some more information about it soon! Shawn still loves his job and is working hard (I'm sure) every day!