After all our Christmas festivities were over Christmas Day, we took off to Nebraska for the weekend to visit my Dad's Mom's side (if that makes any sense!). We stayed at a hotel in Beatrice and all the festivities took place in Wymore. We had a nice day of visiting with family on Saturday and Papa and Hunter took a swim before we headed off to bed. Then, Sunday we came back to Overbrook for a family luncheon and then we finally made it home at 9:00. What a VERY LONG 5 days! :D

Kira getting ready to go for the day. The shirt is from Mandy (because I wouldn't buy anything pink!) and I just love the shoes...they flash and everything. She loved them!

Hunter using his new toy as a chair.

Kira and Aunt Kay Kay from Las Vegas!

Hunter playing ball with his buddy Brian.

Kira playing with cousins Dylan and Megan.

It started snowing...and Kira loved it! We just watched it out the window because she couldn't go outside except to get in the car. :(

Kira and her new buddy Dylan.

Hunter and Papa swimming at the hotel.

Kira with her Santa hat. I finally found one at the Walmart in Topeka. I've been looking for one for months!