Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hunter Scott Update

Well, Hunter will be 22 months on the 30th! He is getting SO big. He loves his sports...especially basketball and soccer right now. I'm excited to see how he'll do with baseball when it warms up! He has been officially sleeping in his big boy bed for a week now and it's wonderful! He didn't have any problems making that transition. I'm hoping that will come in handy when we get moved to a new house. He is talking up a storm and tells you exactly how it is. He can tell you blue, green, yellow, and red pretty well. He counts 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10. He can say his ABCs to J really well...and then he gets a few letters here and there after that. He knows his circle, square, triangle, star, heart, moon, and diamond really well. His favorite song right now is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. He is really into Mickey Mouse, Pooh, Frogs, and Sports. So, we have to decide what we're going to do his big boy room in once we find a house! He is doing pretty good with Sissy so far. He's a wild little man with lots of energy, so he hits my stomach or lays on it a little hard, but I know he doesn't mean to. He loves to hug my tummy and he shares his cup with her when he's sitting beside me. He likes to tell her good night before he goes to bed. It's pretty darn cute! He finally has 1 of his 2 year molars through and another one is half way through. So, hopefully that one will make it's way through and then we're down to 2 molars on the top and he'll have all of his teeth for awhile!!! YEAH!!!

He's definitely growing up quickly and I'm looking forward to seeing him grow and change every single day! I'm really excited to see how he does when Kira arrives! I know he'll be a really good big brother!

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