Well, I went to the dr. on the 9th and I was still 50% effaced and dilated to about a 2. So, not much change there. She has been moving a lot today, so I don't think we're going to have any excitement anytime soon. I've been working in the kitchen this morning and went to Walmart so I am trying to do some walking and help speed this process along. I know...she's not due until the 20th, but I'm ready for her to be here! Hopefully, we'll be able to go for some walks and stuff this next week since it's supposed to be nice. I go back to the dr. on Wednesday the 16th so we'll see if anything has changed. I am however OFFICIALLY on MATERNITY LEAVE!!! YEAH!!! I don't have to go back to teach for the rest of the school year. So, I'm really looking forward to all the time I will have to spend with Hunter and Kira...and Shawn of course.
Shawn heard from the company he interviewed with and they seem really interested in him. They said that would be in contact again soon. They just want him to live in Hutch and that defeats the purpose of us moving closer to family...when we will still be an hour away from them. So, we'll have to see. I am planning on calling some schools this next week and trying to get some interviews and stuff. I am hoping that something will fall into place soon for us! I'm ready to start looking more seriously at houses so we can move into a house as soon as possible. I'm ready to be finished with apartment living! :D
The 1st picture is of me at 37 1/2 weeks. I'm now 39 weeks...8 days left! The 2nd picture is Hunter trying to walk in Shawn's sandals. He did pretty good...he didn't even fall and walked all over the living room.
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