These are some picture of us waiting in line for a horse and carriage ride. We usually never do this because the line is always SUPER long...but Hunter wanted to REALLY we did it! We waited for about 45 minutes for a less than 5 minute ride! But, Hunter LOVED it, so I can't complain. Kira fell asleep about 10 minutes before we got on and she slept through the whole thing. But, I'm sure she enjoyed it as well!

The beautiful horses.

Shawn, Kira, and I before the ride started.

Papa, Hunter, and Nana on the other side of the carriage.

Hunter waiting in line. He did great...other than keeping his hat on his head!

Kira all snuggled in waiting in line!
This wait and evening outside is probably the reason everyone got sick the next day. But, we sure had fun! :D
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