Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a very eventful day! We started the morning with opening presents and they were both VERY excited about that! Then, we ate breakfast and got ready to go to my cousin Ryan's basketball game. Kira officially began crawling. She crawled from by the tv to the kitchen where I was. I was so excited, I made her crawl all over the house! She can get to where so wants to be pretty quickly now. It's so cute! Then we spent the afternoon and evening at Nana and Papa's house watching my uncle paint and waiting for their new furniture to be delivered! It's really nice! Hunter was pooped after that day! Here are some pictures of the day!

My pretty girl!

My silly boy...and yes that's his Valentine's present in a Christmas sack! :D

Eating his breakfast on his new lap table.

The best picture I could get of them together!

Hunter helping Kira with her present. Yes, it's in a wedding bag!

Kira and her new stool. It matches her new bedding for when she is in her big girl bed...whenever that may happen.

Both munchkins with their presents.

Kira under the end tables. She's going to be in to everything!

There she goes! Straight for the stairs! YIKES!

Her 1st bow!

Hunter passed out in Nana's rocking chair. He fell asleep on the bed and woke up and went to the chair. He's so silly!

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