Monday, April 14, 2008

Getting closer!

Hunter's wonderful fashion statement this weekend. He wanted to wear his boots and would not stop bugging me about I finally gave in. He'll regret it later when he sees the pictures! :D

Hunter giving sissy a fishy kiss. I have been wanting to get a picture of him loving her and this was as good as I could get. He loves to hug and kiss her. We'll see what he thinks when she is actually here! :D

Well, today was the 1st day that I have actually felt a few contractions. I had a couple in front on the right side and a few in my back. Nothing consistent unfortunately, but we're getting there! Hopefully she'll be here in the next day or 2. I go to the dr. on Wednesday afternoon so if she's not here...hopefully something has changed and I"m starting to dilate more. Keep your fingers crossed!

Shawn has an interview next week with Wellington schools for a computer technician position. I'm hoping that Kira will be here so we can come home with him and visit people! We'll see! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this we can live in Mulvane or Derby where we really want to be. I just don't think I'd be happy in Hutch and still being an hour away from my family and friends. So, keep praying for us so we can find jobs and get things moving on a house soon!

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